Young Adults
Moving to a new city for school or the start of your career can be intimidating. We believe that INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY makes that transition easier. Whether you're new to town, or are just looking for a place to connect, if you're a student or young professional, there's a place for you at Grace Church's Young Adults group.
Click if you have questions or want to join
Visits to the corn maze, bonfires, and social gatherings at a friends house - there are often new opportunities to connect and do something together with other young adults!
We believe that Jesus continues to be relevant in our world today. Together, we'll dive into Scripture and learn more about Christ, pray for and encourage one another and discuss tough topics in an honest and authentic way. We desire to see our youth grow in a loving relationship with Jesus.
Not only does Young Adults provide community among young adults, it's also a great way to connect with the broader Grace Church community!
Our church is committed to transformational discipleship and part of that includes connecting young adults with leaders in our church so that they be encouraged and discipled as they grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.