Youth Group
We believe that our youth are not only the church of the future, they are also the church now. That's why we are committed to NEXT GENERATIONAL INVESTMENT through programs like Youth Group.
Middle School Youth (grade 6-8) meet Sundays
from 7-8:30 pm once a month.
High School Youth (grade 9-12) meet Sundays
from 7-8:30 pm once a month, as well as CRC youth service.
Contact the office for more information
Whether it's playing ping pong and air hockey in the Youth Room, getting lost in the Thamesville Corn Maze, or just hanging out and enjoying some snacks - there are always a lot of fun things happening at Youth Group!
We believe that Jesus continues to be relevant in our world today. Together, we'll dive into Scripture and learn more about what it means to follow Christ, pray for and encourage one another, and discuss tough topics in an honest and authentic way. We desire to see our youth grow in a loving relationship with Jesus.
Youth Group is a great place to meet friends who are going through the same struggles and joys you are going through. There is something special about finding a place where you belong and we are hoping you can find that at Youth Group!
According to findings in "Sticky Faith", youth who are surrounded by five adults who model a dynamic faith are more likely to continue growing in their faith as they become adults. That's why we have passionate Christ followers as our youth leaders. Our youth leaders love hanging out with kids and desire to help them grow in their faith.

New to Grace?
Our Youth Room is located on the lower level in the North/West corner of the building